Three experts on church history and governance discuss Marco Politi's article on episcopal collaboration.
Fluent in Italian, Msgr. deLadurantaye served as an English interpreter for Pope Francis from 2018 to June 2024, writing ...
A POPULAR parish priest will retire today after 40 years of service to the church in Helensburgh and beyond. Monsignor John Hughes will hold his last Friday Mass in Helensburgh, where he has been ...
Msgr. Ocáriz recalled that St. Josemaría said that 'the ways of doing and saying things change, but the essence, the spirit, remains.' "The main contribution of Opus Dei is to accompany the ...
The very concept of a "foreign religious organization" — something like "foreign agents in cassocks"? — indicates that the principle of equality of religious organizations has been violated. The ...
The Reverend Monsignor Jeffrey Burrill was general secretary of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). The USCCB said it took the allegations seriously but there were no accusations of ...